Module 1: HTML & CSS
(HTML Tags, Table/Div, Forms, Input, CSS Syntax, CSS Comments, Font Family)
2 Classes (2X2 hrs = 4 hrs)
“Case Study: Design User Interface for a log-in screen and inside page using HTML/CSS”
Module 2: Introduction to PHP
(PHP Syntax, Comments, Variables, Conditions, Array, Functions, Session Handling, PHP E-mail, PHP Error Handling etc.)
5 Classes (5X2 hrs = 10 hrs)
“Case Study: Different numeric operation on a number and simple calculator design”
Module 3: PHP-MySQL Database Connectivity
(Core Database concept, All key concept, Normalization, DB Quarry, PL/SQL, Function, Procedure, Insert Data, Insert Data from
Form, Add/Edit/Delete/Display Data, Data fetching from multiple table at a time by joining, Some SQL tweak.)
8 Classes (8X2 hrs = 16 hrs)
“Case Study: Registration & Log-in Form, Content Management System (CMS)”
1st Exam
1 Class (1X2 hrs = 2 hrs) (Including Module: 1, 2 &3)
Module 4: Object Oriented Programming Concept in PHP, MVC Architecture
(Object Oriented Programming through PHP, Detail knowledge about class, object, inheritance, polymorphism, different types of variable in a class and a brief knowledge about MVC architecture)
7 Classes (7X2 hrs = 14 hrs)
“Case Study: Program to manage (Add/Edit/Delete) unlimited categories/subcategories using OOP concept and MVC architecture”
Module 5: Java Script, AJAX & JQuery
(JavaScript Variables, Operators, JavaScript Functions, Events are actions, JS If...Else, JS Functions, JS for Loop, JS While Loop, Basic AJAX, AJAX XML Http Request, Use of JQuery, JQuery Validation, Light Box, Style Box, Window, Scroller etc.)
6 Classes (6X2 hrs = 12 hrs)
“Case Study: Various types of form field Validation like:- Email Validation, Date Time Integration etc. or many others remarkable use of JavaScript, AJAX, JQuery”
2nd Exam
1 Class (1X2 hrs = 2 hrs) (Including Module: 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5)
Live Project Development
“On completion of the course Students will be assigned with a Live Project development job to be selected from our in-house Placement Division.”